Mr. Anthony Peter and Mr. Colbert Philip
     Sadi from the Inland Fisheries Department of
     Ministry of Agriculture Sarawak attended
     Arowana and Aquarium Fish Breeding Course

Site visit.

Course completion.

Mr. Tan (right) from Kong Kong of Johore
     attended the same training with Mr. Simon
Mr. Simon Chang, STAC's year 2000 alumnus
     from Lahat Dato, Sabah attended a new
     training course - Marine Fish Breeding

Practical work on breeding of Red Snapper
     (Lutjanus johni

Semester training for four undergraduates
     from Faculty of Veterinary Science, University
     of Putra Malaysia.

Field work at STAC's farm - Harvesting live
     prawn for sale.

Harvesting Red Snapper fries for stocking into
     grow-out pond.

Harvesting Red Snapper fries for stocking into
     grow-out pond.

Harvesting Red Snapper fries for stocking into
     grow-out pond.

Harvesting Red Snapper fries for stocking into
     grow-out pond.