Fresh-water prawn and river cat fish farming near Sg. Lepar of Pahang River.
Mr. Chong Chee Wai was a B.Com. from Taiwan University. He attended the STAC aquafarming course in 1999. Mr. Yap Kim Wah is the owner of the river cat fish and freshwater farm and  he sent Mr. Chong for the participation of the STAC aquafarming course to acquire the skill and knowledge of the aquafarming industries.






 East Coast Marine Enterprise--Fresh water prawn hatchery in Kuantan, Pahang.
Mr. Yong Sie Ming attended the STAC Fresh-water prawn hatchery and grow-out farming course in 2000 with the financial support from his father, he invested in the hatchery breeding of Fresh-water prawn. His capital investment was only RM40,000 and with monthly production of 400,000 pLs.






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