Laurence Chong attended STAC fresh water prawn hatchery and grow-out farming course in the month of May.
After course  completion, he  was recommended by  Malaysia Aquaculture Development  Association (MADA)
to participate APEC freshwater fisheries workshop at Wu Xi, China from 2nd to 29th September 2001. He was 
a IT graduate from US .He attended the FWP farming course in May. He was selected as the only Malaysian for
the Wuxi APEC Fresh Water Fisheries Workshop as he had acquired the necessary knowledge from STAC.


Fish trap in Lake Tai, Wu Xi, China. Fish-duck integrated farming Lake Tai. Fish pond near Wu Xi.
Fish trap in Lake Tai.


Close-up view of fish trap.
Fish trap at Lake Tai.
Fresh water fisheries in Lake Tai. Harry crab farming near Lake Tai.


Mr.Laurence Chong presented trophy to head of APEC Freshwater Fisheries 
Research Centre.
Duck farming at Lake Tai.

Mr. Laurence Chong (left) graduate from US attended 
fresh water prawn farming course on May.



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