Mr. Wah  and brother  attended STAC courses on June 2000. Both of them  have more than 
10 years  experience in  tiger  prawn farming and  hatchery operation in  Kota Belut of Sabah. 
During  their traning  at STAC  they  took the opportunity to further enhance  and  enrich their
 knowledge and skills in aquafarming for tiger prawn. Recently they have a very good harvest 
from their farm.


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Mr. Wah had a good harvest.

Mr. Wah and brother during training at STAC made a visit
to Putra Jaya.
Mr. Wah prawn farm at Kota Belut, Sabah.
Mr. Wah and brother at STAC campus.


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Mr. Wah had a good harvest on March. Harvest in progress in Mr. Wah farm.    


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Mr. Wah and brother visited Pulau Ketam as study tour arranged by STAC. Mr. Wah and brother visited 
a prawn farm at Teluk of Selangor.





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