Selection of breeder.
Female with short tail.

Male with longer tail.

Adult  turtle.

Spawning pond with sand bed.

Spawning tank.

Breeding tank for baby turtles.

Holding basin for baby turtles in breeding tank.

Spawning tank.

Egg incubation in sand bed.

Fertilized turtle eggs.

Eggs in sand bed before sand was covered. 

Arrangement of eggs for incubation.

Hatching of baby turtles.


Grow-out of Soft Shell Turtle
Grow-out cement tank.

Baby turtle in plastic basin.

3 months starter.


Disease Of Chinese Soft Shell
External fouling of baby turtle. (Zoothamnium)

Shell ulcer disease.

White spot of baby turtle.

Deformed shell disease.

White spot disease of baby turtle.

Skin ulcer of adult turtle.


Harvest And Sale
400-500g marketable size.

Weighing for sale.

Steam turtle with ginger.

Turtle herbal soup-a delicacy.

Harvesting turtle for sale.

Harvesting turtle for sale.

Internal organs of turtle.

Packing net for live transport.

Adult turle.